University Lutheran Church is a mission congregation of the Indiana District Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. You can be sure that all funds are considered a blessing from God, and are used to further kingdom work at the corner of 7th & Fess in Bloomington. We ask that you prayerfully consider a gift that would help bring God's Word to people gathered here from across Indiana, the United States, and the world.
Undesignated donations to University Lutheran Church will go to our General Fund, which takes care of our overall ministry needs. Your donation can be a one-time gift or you may set up a recurring gift as often as you like via the link below. We are happy to point out that we have no debt, so your gifts to the General Fund do not go toward debt relief. You may also donate specifically to the University Lutheran Endowment Fund or the Hanna Viljanen Powell Music Fund. Both of them are described below along with other categories.. You may occasionally see a special need under the "Wish List" heading for which you may donate funds for specific items to be purchased.
All donors will receive a receipt along with a thank-you message. Thanks for supporting the proclamation of Jesus Christ to Bloomington and the university community!
Please visit our secure, online donation page by clicking here.
This fund has been established with the goal of eventually providing annual income for the operation of our campus ministry for decades to come. With the majority of our congregation turning over regularly, we hope to have alumni and other friends of University Lutheran regularly contribute to and/or add us as a beneficiary of their estate planning. The fund is managed by The Lutheran Foundation.
Hanna Vijanen Powell became a part of our University Lutheran community in the late 1990's as a graduate music student from Finland. She was a joy to be around, and remained a part of the U.Lu music program while she earned a Master's and Ph.D from IU in Church Music. She was a House Fellow, our organist, and music director until she married a fellow University Lutheran, Andy Powell, and moved to Maine! Together they had two boys. Sadly, after a long bout with cancer, Hanna was called to glory in 2017 at age 48. This fund will be used to provide the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music at University Lutheran Church. As it grows it will provide musicians for special church services and programs throughout the year. Whenever the fund is used, it will be noted in bulletins and programs that the music is to the glory of God and in memory of Hanna Viljanen Powell.
Our pipe organ was rebuilt in 2005 as the focal point of the congregation's 75th anniversary celebration. We are blessed to have such a fine instrument, as well as talent from the IU Jacobs School of Music to play it! The organ is an integral part of our worship life and musical outreach to the community. Gifts to the Organ Fund will help maintain our organ through repairs and twice-yearly tuning.
Maintaining a structure built in 1930 is a labor of love. Our church building is on the Indiana Register of Historic Places, and is a landmark in welcoming people who are visiting Dunn Meadow, the Indiana Memorial Union, and the buildings and fountain of Showalter Plaza. What could need attention in an 80+ year-old building? Just about everything! In addition to major repairs/restoration, we also use this fund for improvements that make the Lutheran Student Center a welcoming and inviting place.
From church banners to appliances, you will from time-to-time see our need of the moment, and if possible a picture and the list cost.